Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Blogger's Notes: Howard Hughes, Eccentric Billionaire

Ayyye! Peepz...Are you on this? It ain't pretty bein' an OC. I have a bit of that "be squeaky clean" behavior myself and thanks to this Howard guy, I sorta resolved not to go overboard. I sure don't wana get my butt ugly when I die. *LAUGHS*!

Kiddin' aside, I heard the story of his Howard character a long time ago courtesy of my cuz Yolanda (psst! yolan, where art thou?). From then on, the "legend of the eccentric recluse" got stuck in my head. I didn't know the whole story then. I thought, "Wow! He must have gone through a great deal of whackin' from somebody to quit the social scene". I mean, we all dig that at one point or another we all need some space- for a while- but, turn yourself into a hermit? Ugh. Well, I finally comprehended his story a li'l mo' when I saw "The Aviator".

Just when I thought his story would not shock me again, I was shocked- again! - while doin' the research for this blog. I didn't realize the extent of damage he got himself into. He was a debonair turned into an unkempt, unshaven shadow of his former self.

Well, let me get into the moral of the story:

1st: it's ok to smell like a skunk once in while. Try not washing your face the entire day. Don't you pity that poor slimy stuff called facial oil not having anywhere to settle? Let it thrive on your skin for, like, one or two days (I do not believe I'm sayin' this! *laughs*).

2nd: and this one's serious- our childhood experiences mold us to be what we become in the future. They either restore or

break us ( I sound like a granny ).

3rd: again, this is serious- this story confirms that money can't buy you genuine happiness, care, and love. When Howard died he was one of the wealthiest men in the world. In fact, all his life -from his birth till his death- he never had to worry about not havin' money; YET, he died of MALNUTRION & NEGLECT. Huhhhmmm, I guez trusting become difficult when everyone around you would do everything you want them to because they’re in your payroll and not because, with or without the incentive of money, they love you. Ya agree with me on that?

Share your thoughts, pleaz. And while you're at it, I'll go wash my jacket cuz I accidentally dropped it earlier. It might get contaminated by bacteria or virus. Wait! Where's my Kleenex? I have to pick the darn jacket with a Kleenex to "insulate" myself from germs (uh- what am I sayin'?). laughs*

See article:
Howard Hughes, Eccentric Billionaire


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