continued from part 4
Suicide however can be prevented even in cases that seem hopeless. To avoid it from happening, intervention must be done for people who are depressed. One way is to give them medication to control their symptoms. There are many drugs in the market such as anti-depressants, tranquilizers and lithium that would help depressed individuals. Some of them may need prescriptions from a medical doctor while others are generic.
Another way is through psychotherapy. A person who undergoes the process of psychotherapy is helped by the clinician to understand the reason for his depression and then taught different ways to cope with his problems. For example, through the process of cognitive behavioral therapy, he may learn how to change his negative thinking and develop problem solving skills. Here, he may be asked to observe and write down the times and the reasons why he is feeling sad. Then, the therapist would gear him towards seeing how these reasons may be irrational and would challenge him to change his perceptions by requiring him to write down things that would counter them. If the individual then jots down that he is weak compared to everyone and that this is the reason for his sadness, the therapist would tell him to list down some of his achievements. Doing so would emphasize the irrationality of the thought thereby helping the person see himself in a more positive light. During later therapy sessions, he is taught to engage in behavior that would help him solve problems more concretely. Therefore, if he cannot see his strengths, he will be asked to do things wherein these could become visible. ( last part... )
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